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"Eden Cami’s unmistakable voice can be smooth and intense, depending on the tune and on the moods and intensity of song parts. Her vocals dominate the Kayan Project’s music. Video clips the group produced show that she also has a strong stage presence."

Imanuel Marcus, The Berlin Spectator, 3rd  July 2020 (Full Article - English

“The masterly played Oud and elaborate tripping of the double bass meet somewhere on the borders between folk and jazz, and in the wonderful singing of singer and songwriter Eden Cami both worlds occur”

“In fact, it is not just musical and stylistic boundaries that become pervious as Cami sings in both Hebrew and Arabic, and so Arabic and Hebrew poetry find their way into music through her voice, through Oud, bass and percussions”

Jan Wagner, DIE ZEIT Nr. 50/2018, 3rd December 2018 (Full Article - German)

“Reconciliation between Israelis and Arabs is possible – at least in music”

“[Eden Camis] multi-faceted voice oscillates between deepest melancholy and exuberant joie de vivre”


Otto Oberstech, Nordsee-Zeitung, 26th November 2018 (Full Article - German

“Heart-wrenching voice accompanied by rhythms of double bass and oud got me pondering from the first minutes even though I couldn’t understand a word”

“Their performance swings between times, genres and languages, combining sounds and rhythms from the Middle East and the European West. Kayan project is about more than breaking borders – it is about connecting lands and people through music”


Miruna Dumitrascu Concert reviews: 

Interview with Low-Fi blog,  19th October 2017 ( Full Article - English) 

“Cami is a strikingly beautiful singer with a gentle demeanor. Her ambition to be a singer led her to Berlin where she saw greater opportunity. She invites the group to her band’s gig the next night and we accept the invitation.
Arriving late, we crowd into the packed venue, Donau115, as the sound of Middle Eastern music reverberates through the small room. The band is called the Kayan Project – Kayan being the Arabic word for existence. It’s made up of a Syrian Oud player, a Danish double bass player and an Israeli percussionist. Eden sings in Hebrew, Arabic and English and the band fuses a variety of genres.

Eden notes that her Syrian band member’s willingness to get behind the idea and play music to Hebrew songs is something that shouldn’t be taken for granted. When Cami presents the band to audiences, she explains that they combine Hebrew and Arabic – “two languages which most people don’t know are very close to one another. Languages that aren’t often heard together in a positive context.”


Tamara Zieve, Jerusalem Post  17th June 2017  (Full Article - Englsih)

“if she sang one more song, I could have ran to the airport and go to Beirut with the first flight. It was how intense her affect on me was.”

( Nazli Koca, "5 ARTISTS YOU SHOULD MEET WHEN YOU TRAVEL TO BERLIN" Art Parasites  Full Article - English) 

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